Suppose you have decided to invest in a gift for somebody you love, and you decided to surprise him with a jewel that has a diamond embedded in it.
You then arrive to a jewel store that you have received references about it, and you are impressed with the large variety of jewels over there that each one is prettier than the other, and after consulting with the seller you decided to purchase a jewel.
How will you know that the price you are paying for the diamond jewel- is in fact worth it?
Today there also synthetic diamonds that are produced in laboratories and it is very hard to distinguish between them and between the real diamonds that are created in the nature.
The synthetic diamonds are considerably cheaper, and in order to identify them, they need to be examined in a laboratory with advanced equipment.

In order to avoid buying a jewel with a diamond embedded in it that isn’t worth the price you pay for it, it is very important to purchase the diamond separately from a known manufacturer or diamantaire who holds a certificate from the American Gemological Institute for each stone.
The gemological certificate contains all of the important parameters that influence the price of a diamond, like its weight, color, and clarity
The certificate also mentions if the diamond is real or it was produced in a laboratory.
I want to save you all of the searches and unnecessary hassle of dealing with matters that you don’t have to deal with, and to provide to you a guidebook on how to buy a diamond. I also want to connect you with one of the largest diamond manufacturers in the world.  
Leave your details in the attached form, mention the size of the diamond you want and what is your budget in regards to the purchase of the diamond, and in exchange for an initial singular payment we will