If you were looking for a luxurious, unique and unusual piece of diamond-studded jewelry at a reasonable price, a champagne diamond is the perfect choice that will allow you to enjoy a piece of jewelry on a different level and at a very reasonable investment.
A natural champagne colored diamond – a perfect combination of beauty and luxury
Champagne diamonds have a natural brown shade in a yellow/orange combination, where the palette of shades ranges from light brown to dark brown and allows everyone to choose the perfect piece of jewelry for their taste.
The origin of the brown shade is due to an element called nitrogen that penetrated into the diamond crystal structure and the higher the nitrogen content, the deeper and more pronounced the brown shade of the diamond.
Unlike diamonds with a natural shade that lose their value with the existence of additional shades, champagne diamonds are in demand thanks to their unique natural color that gives the jewelry a unique, original and different look that cannot be ignored.
The origin of champagne diamonds is mainly in Australia, Siberia and Africa. Similar to white diamonds, the difficulty level of champagne diamonds also stands at 10 on the Moss scale – the scale that was created by the German mineralogist Friedrich Moss and measures the level of difficulty of different minerals.

The fact gives diamonds extremely high durability and makes any diamond studded and neckless jewelry the safe choice for everyday use for many years.

What should be considered when choosing a champagne diamond?

The value of champagne diamonds varies based on several important criteria that define the value of the diamond, whether it is a colored diamond or a standard diamond.

In order to ensure the quality of the diamond, it is important to make sure to purchase a champagne diamond that has a gemological certificate detailing its properties.

The value of a diamond is determined based on its color, clarity, shape and weight. Beyond that, when it comes to colored diamonds, the intensity of the color is an indication of the diamond’s beauty and value.
The choice of the specific shade depends on the personal taste of the buyer, but the richer the shade, the higher the value of the diamond.

The main parameters that define the value of the diamond based on its color are:
Hue: Defines the color of the diamond as it appears to the eye
Tone: Sets the level of color darkness
Saturation: Defines the intensity of the color

A diamond for life at a possible price.

Champagne diamonds are considered relatively common compared to other fancy color diamonds (colored diamonds) and even compared to colorless diamonds. Therefore, their price is considered relatively low and makes it possible to give a wholehearted gift for life at a reasonable price.
Whether you are looking for a diamond ring for a man on a different level or whether it is important for you to find a wedding ring for a woman that will go with you forever and will always remain flattering and exciting, a diamond ring combined with a champagne diamond is the winning choice!

In addition, you can buy it from Israeli diamonds and jewelry at the diamond exchange in Ramat Gan.